Flo has been the top period tracking app for a while now. However, has something in the news happened to make people start deleting the app? Are people letting go of Flo?

Many people use period tracking apps. You might even use one! Certainly, they provide a vast number of benefits. For instance, if you want to track and forecast your symptoms or if you are hoping to conceive and want to plan properly. Thusly, they are extremely popular, bringing in millions of downloads every year and they show no sign of stopping.

However, this week one of the more renowned of these apps, Flo, reached a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). This happened after the FTC alleged that the period tracking app shared sensitive user data with third parties including Facebook and Google. With this news, the question can be asked: are people letting go of Flo?

period apps category ranking

The immediate answer seems to be: It’s hard to tell. Though this discovery was made in 2019, the settlement has only recently brought this concern back into the public eye. As of right now we have not seen a dramatic drop in category ranking, however, this topic is not absent in reviews of the health app.

flo reviews mentioning "privacy"

The keywords data is also frequent within the negative reviews of the clue app. Though the application is generally well-liked, many people have left negative reviews surrounding this issue. Let’s see what happens when we click on the keyword data.

These reviews are centering around the scandal. They focus, on these recent concerns of data sharing. 

average vs keyword occurance

Will users forget about this scandal and continue using the application? Are Flo users willing to sacrifice some of their privacy to continue using the app? Will news of this scandal reach enough people to impact their downloads. Only time will tell. If you want to remain up to date on the effects of this news on the Flo app, its competitors, or any up-and-coming period tracking apps, make sure to sign up for a demo with MobileAction and keep an eye on this story.