A good night’s sleep can dramatically improve the quality of one’s life. Unfortunately for many parents, sometimes getting their children to sleep can turn out to be quite the task. Lucky for them, Moshi came up with the perfect solution. This app provides narrations that include night-time stories and guided meditations that introduce kids to the world of mindfulness and help them fall asleep much faster. 

moshi screenshot
Some Screenshots from Moshi: Sleep and Mindfulness

Even the screenshots of the app manage to promote calmness, positive thinking, and relaxation. The vibrant colors and images make the application accessible to children and promote imagination. Kids fall asleep 28 minutes faster while also sleeping for 22 minutes longer according to a scientific study, developers claim. They also state that night wakings decrease by half after using their app. No wonder why the parents love this app so much!

moshi keywords
Keyword Ranking Distribution for Moshi

When we take a look at the ranking distribution graph of Moshi, we can see that after the update on the 5th of January, they increased their total ranked keywords by almost 500. This update also seems to have triggered a slight increase in their visibility score. This is a great example demonstrating the power of ASO. 

Through MobileAction’s App Update Timeline feature, we can observe the changes Moshi made in their update. 

moshi description
Description Change

The green highlighted texts are added in this update while the red highlighted text has been removed. It is easy to see that they have implemented new keywords such as “Ease-Anxiety”, “Sleep”, “Calm Down” and “Mood” in their description. By adding these keywords and more, they have managed to increase their rankings along with their visibility score.

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Keyword Occurrences

When we look at the Reviews tab, we can see some of the frequently occurring keywords in the apps review section. Words like amazing, asleep, helps, love seem to be pretty common when users are giving feedback to the app. It is easy to find comments left by grateful parents who are enjoying the assistance of this wonderful app.

moshi review
Review Example

Thanks to Moshi, you can now have some free time after you put your kids to bed. If you would like to use this opportunity to gather insights from the app world, sign up for a free trial today!