An active user typically refers to an individual who engages with a product, service, or platform within a specified time period. The definition of an active user can vary depending on the context and the specific metrics being measured. Here are a few common interpretations of active users: 

Daily Active User (DAU)  A daily active user is someone who interacts with a product or service on any given day. This metric provides insights into the number of unique individuals who engage with the product within a 24-hour period. 

Monthly Active User (MAU) A monthly active user is an individual who engages with a product or service at least once within a calendar month. MAU is a commonly used metric to measure the size and engagement of a user base over a longer period. 

Weekly Active User (WAU)  A weekly active user refers to an individual who interacts with a product or service at least once within a seven-day period. WAU is another metric used to measure user engagement and retention on a weekly basis. 

Session A session typically refers to a single period of user activity within a product or service. It starts when a user opens the app or website and ends when they close it or remain inactive for a specified time. The number of sessions can provide insights into user engagement and usage patterns. 

Time Spent Time spent refers to the duration of user activity within a product or service during a session. It measures how much time users spend actively engaging with the product and can indicate the level of user interest and involvement. 

These metrics help businesses and organizations understand the level of user engagement, measure the success of their products or services, and make informed decisions regarding product improvements, marketing strategies, and user retention efforts.