Ad stacking refers to a practice in digital advertising where multiple ads are displayed on top of each other within a single ad placement on a website or mobile app. It involves layering multiple ad creatives, often in the form of display banners, within the same ad space. 

Key points 

  1. Multiple Ad Creatives: Ad stacking involves displaying multiple ad creatives simultaneously within a single ad slot. These creatives can belong to different advertisers or campaigns. 
  2. Increased Ad Density: By stacking multiple ads, publishers aim to increase the number of ad impressions and potentially generate higher ad revenue from the available ad space. 
  3. Ad Visibility and User Experience: Ad stacking can impact ad visibility and user experience. When multiple ads are stacked on top of each other, it may result in cluttered and distracting ad layouts, potentially affecting user engagement and satisfaction. 
  4. Ad Fraud Risk: Ad stacking can be associated with ad fraud practices, such as stacking numerous ads out of view or stacking hidden ads to artificially inflate ad impressions. This can lead to inaccurate reporting and misleading advertisers. 
  5. Violation of Ad Policies: Ad stacking may violate the policies of ad networks or platforms. Many platforms have guidelines regarding ad density, viewability, and user experience to ensure a positive ad environment. 

Ad stacking is generally discouraged by reputable ad networks and platforms due to its potential negative impact on user experience and the risk of ad fraud. Publishers are encouraged to follow industry best practices and guidelines to maintain a balance between ad density, user experience, and compliance with ad policies.